Saarland University

Language Technology, M.Sc.

Graduate Student at the Department of Language Science and Technology, Saarbrücken, Germany.

Courses: Statistical Natural Language Processing, Machine Translation, Machine Learning, Neural Networks: Implementation and Application, Deep Learning for Literary Text Analysis, NLP for Low-Resource Languages, Python Programming, Statistics with R, Speech Science, Tools for NLP (GitHub, Docker, bash, cluster computing), Mathematics (Calculus I, II; Linear Algebra), Empirical Methods, Scientific Communication (multilingual LLMs review), German (B1-B2)

Transnistrian State University

Linguistics & Pedagogy, B.A.

Undergraduate Student at the Department of Philology and Foreign Languages.

Courses Completed: Fundamentals of Linguistics, Information Technology in Linguistics, Linguistic Analysis of Literary Text, Theoretical and Practical Phonetics, Stylistics, Lexicology, Theoretical and Practical Grammar, English Literature, History of English, Latin, German, Didactics, Pedagogical Anthropology, Psychology, Philosophy, Sociology, Economics

Murray State University

Linguistics, Exchange Semester

Exchange Student through the Global UGRAD Program.

Courses: Courses completed: Public Speaking, Internet and Web Page Design (HTML, CSS, JS), Fundamental Communication in German, American National Government.

Parameter-efficient Methods in NLP

LT-Bridge Winter School

Stanford University (Coursera)

Machine Learning Specialization


Natural Language Processing Course

Google Cloud

Large Language Models Course


Statistical Analysis with R

King's College London

Business Management